5 Reasons Why East Asians Don't Smell Despite Never Wear Deodorant. Especially South Korea

 If you're traveling to South Korea, it's good to always remember to bring the deodorant itself. Because, it turns out that deodorant or products remover odor because the sweat it, including rare items in the Country Gingeng. The difficulty of buying this deodorant is so thorny problem that is often complained of by those foreigners who settled there long. Instead bring food original hometown, a lot of expats from the united States or Europe has always been menyetok inventory deodorant from the country of origin.

Kok bisa ya Korean people don't need deodorant? What they don't get sweaty? Or his sweat didn't smell?

The mystery of why Korean people can be to not consider deodorant as the needs of day-to-day it is already trying to answered by a variety of people. According to George Preti, an organic chemist from the Monell Chemical Senses Center in Philadelphia, the difference of body odor is not due to the weather factors in the country, but is influenced by genetic've been there since birth. In fact, it is already studied more deeply by researchers who can find what genes make them ‘different’ and not need to buy a deodorant throughout his life. Hipwee News & Feature has been collecting the facts. Yuk kulik together~

1. Most South Koreans don't have a body odor even when you're sweating. As a result, they don't need deodorant

If you're the summer in South Korea, the heat no tolerance deh. Moreover, during summer, the air is also very humid. No wonder the people will be very sweaty. But, remarkably, even though a lot of produce sweat, the people of South Korea do not issue a body odor that is not satisfying meal. In fact, they don't use deodorant lho! In fact, deodorant hard to come by in stores because it is not needed by the people there.

2. Different with the people of Europe and America. Most of them are easy to sweating and body odor. But it's not because slob lho~

What happens in the country South Korea it is different from what is happening in Europe and America. Most of them besides easy sweating also produce the body odor that is not satisfying meal. But, this is not because they are a slob, you know. There are factors that lowered since birth that can affect the body odor of a person. So, the name of which body odor not only because people rarely bathed, but due to genetic factors.

3. Research shows that there is a gene on the human body that could determine whether he can smell the bodies or not

Researchers found the presence of one gene on the human body which can determine whether that person can experience body odor or not. The gene called ABCC11. Actually she looks like proteins that can affect two things, the first is the condition of the dirt of the ear and the second, the body odor. Quoted from The Guardian, the person who has the gene ABCC11 tend to sweat, which can attract bacteria that comes the body odor. It commonly occurs in people of Europe.

4. As it turns out, these genes also affect the condition of the ear dirt. So we can actually know the person's body odor or not from the dirt of his ears

Because the gene ABCC11 also affect the type of earwax, then the potential of the people it let out body odor can be seen from the dirt of his ears. People who shit his ears wet, meaning he has the gene ABCC11 in the body, so that he had the potential of body odor. If the type of dirt ears dry, then people that dont need to I buy deodorant in his life because I want to sweat like what, his body will not smell.

5. The people of Asia, especially East Asia, most have earwax, dry the sweat does not smell. So many who don't need deodorant
Research from Toshihisa Ishikawa and her friends shows that Koreans all have earwax is dry. While the people of China, Mongolia, south east Asia such as Indonesia, and Japan are also most have earwax that is relatively dry. Different with the consistency of dirt ears of the people of Africa, Latin America, and Europe are wet. So, it looks right where countries that have the potential of body odor and need to wear deodorant

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