8 Special Application of Finance which is Suitable for Millenials. Let Your Savings't Broken Every Month!

Charles Jaffe has ever suggested "things that can make you rich is not about how much you make, but how good at custom settings of your finances". If you think about the reset, it is indeed very true. So, is there a solution to this problem? The sophistication of today's technology is created to make life easier. Includes to do money management.

Application Financial Regulator Of The Best

Not only the phone that is smart, but the contents of the application and users also have to be smart. Here are the examples of the diverse range of Android apps which can help you in managing your finances well.

1. Lunasbos – App Registrar Debt Two-Way

In between all of the list below, Lunasbos is an application that is the most simple. So Lunasbos is a special application to record debts. The advantage is this app can synchronize transactions on both sides.

For example you owe to Andi, then note your debts will sync also to Andi. And will get a reminder when the due date automatically. So do not longer believed if there is a friend when ngutang said "tomorrow I pay" hehe. Lunasbos is an application by students of Yogyakarta and funded by Kemenristek Dikti Indonesia and is available free in the Play Store.

2. My Money – My Money Management

This app is so popular and widely used. Very easy to use, the setting is very simple and easy to understand. Records of personal finance you become more regular. My money is one of the best references from the developer ODT Indonesia which is very nice for you who don't like things complicated and complicated.

3. Monefy

This application is very fitting for the setting of the family finances. For those of you who are a newlywed couple and is still in the stages of learning to manage household finances, then this would be the most appropriate choice. Equipped with the features of Dropbox, you and your partner can perform financial monitoring together with real time.

This app is available in the form of paid and free. The difference is not so many, you just can't be bothered ads if you use the paid application version.

4. Wallet

As the meaning of the word "wallet" this app can function as a wallet is a virtual world you are smart. Why? Because of its advantages that can help you arrange finance with a very good and efficient. In addition to functioning to the recording, you can also do financial planning in the long term.

This application has also been equipped with the sync feature with a savings account of any, even the whole world. So if you are in a foreign country, this app will be very supporting.

5. Goodbudget: Budget & Finance

The concept of this app is the same with the financial system of the American people of the ancient times. So, any planned expenditure will be shared in some of the envelopes or post that is different. When you conduct a transaction for specific needs, automatically in the post that is intended is already reduced. So, you will really know how the financial condition of you at that moment.

6. My financial

This app will help you to solve the problems of the allocation of money for the needs of bulananmu. Even for things like college savings and DP home. In it there is a feature of a special calculator that can calculate with the automatic to perform the determination of the budget as well as investing. Amazingly, you can use features of online consultation for all financial planning.

7. Your Business

Mobile app this one is very suitable for you who manage the business of the SMES. Your Business is made as a liaison to the users who are not utilizing the application types of financial services like this. It comes with a reminder of trade receivables and installment. So, this will be really useful once.

8. Money Manager Expense & Budgeting

There are a lot of smart features that is embedded in an artificial Realbyte this. For example is a record daily expenses and earnings record, making budget savings and investment, asset management financial, a financial statement in the form of a graph or balance sheet. Use of this application is very easy, even you don't need to adapt it for long.

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