Fix, No Debate! Out Of The Vaccine Should Not Drink Coffee

Some people especially the coffee lovers may feel curious whether out of the vaccine should not drink coffee? And if taken, will it trigger any harmful side effects to health ?
These questions may appear due to concerns over the content of compounds in coffee that may affect the work of the vaccine. So, is it true that coffee can reduce the effectiveness of vaccines ?

In fact, coffee is one of the healthy drinks that has important nutrients for the body. Quoted from Healthline, coffee contains antioxidant substances which help the body to ward off disease and keep the body's immunity.

A study found that coffee can be attributed to the prevention of exposure to COVID-19. This was disclosed by the professor of the Faculty of Agricultural Technology (FTP) UGM Professor Sri Anggrahini.

"Health experts highlighting drink coffee and relation to the pandemic of corona the middle of the spread. In his research, coffee is proven to contribute to support immunity along with the vegetables, oil fish, processed meat," said Sri.

Health experts lungs, Professor Tjandra Yoga Aditama also explained that until this moment there have been no studies that look at the specifics of the impact of drinking coffee after a vaccine to COVID-19.

"I still haven't read the impact of drinking coffee and vaccines for COVID-19," said the man who also served as the director of the WHO south-east Asia.

Although't drink coffee, someone who had the vaccine need to avoid the consumption of alcohol or smoking for a few days after the vaccine COVID-19. According to UNICEF, alcohol and tobacco can lower the immunity of the body and affect the effectiveness of the vaccine in the body.

Therefore, to answer the question out of the vaccine should not drink coffee is fine as long as in reasonable limits. However, consuming alcohol and smoking, it is better to be avoided in advance after receiving the vaccination.

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